About me

I call myself lucky enough to have entered three different careers in my professional life. Having graduated from Performing Arts in 2005, my journey started on stage at theatres, acting. Together with a couple of friends from the University of Arts, we founded our own theatre company in Switzerland, called FRAKT‘. While we were in a very open space to co-create, it was my part mainly to write the dialogues for our projects. Writing became a very important mean of artistical expression. As it always felt like a huge privilige to me to go through the University of Arts, I had decided pretty early in my career to add facilitation of training sessions to my portfolio. This way, I handed on knowledge about storytelling and group dynamics. This in turn brought me to study psychology, while continuing to work. Over time, I have built more expertise in adult learning and organizational development and I now hold a senior role in Learning and Development at an international company.
- Stipendium Dramenprozessor, 2011/12
- „After the Fall“: Stipendiatin des Autorenprojekts am Goethe Institut Budapest, 2009
- Schauspielerin des Jahres, Szekszárd, 2009
- Literaturpreis des Bezirks Schwaben „Harmonie Disharmonie“,2008
- Premio Förderpreis für junges Theater, 2006
- Ducommun, ein tableau vivant Cie FRAKT‘, 2012
- Elvira és Petunia in „Színház“ Május 2010
- Fliegenfängerinnen/ Piège à mouche Cie FRAKT‘, 2009
- Im Auge der Stille in „Harmonie und Disharmonie“ Wissner 2006
- Zum Mond/ Vers la lune Cie. FRAKT‘, 2006